Tadaaam Studio was born in 2010 from the collaboration of five artists wishing to combine their skills to bring life to advertising and fictional projects, using animation, video or what they like the most, innovative mixed techniques. Tadaaam is at your service for any types of projects linked to images, design and creation of cool worlds for old and young people alike. Tadaaam has the capacity and experience to originate ideas and handle all aspects of production.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Annecy Contest - please vote!

Tadaaam Studio is proudly part of the Online Aninamtion Film Festival organized by Annecy.org and Dailymotion.
Please support vote for us! (click on the tick on the top left part of the video)

Pictureless by co-founder Aleksandar Dzoni-Sopov

Link to the contest : http://www.dailymotion.com/contest/annecy_animation_competition_2013/videos#video=xyzvcb